Is everything organic?
All of Flushing CSA’s vegetable/herb produce is certified organic. Other add-on shares, such as fruit, are not necessarily organic; however all are farmed with an emphasis on minimal chemical intervention.

Can I buy a half (or quarter) share?
We do not sell half (or quarter) shares. We do however encourage interested people/families to partner with a friend, neighbor or other interested person and split a share on their own terms. We can help you find someone interested in splitting a share, however Flushing CSA will not coordinate the split, you must work that out between yourselves.

What should I bring when I pick up my share?
Although the vegetables are delivered to us in a box, we must return the boxes to the farmer. You should bring some bags or containers for packaging your vegetables for your trip home.

Is parking available?
You are permitted to use the Meeting House parking while picking up your share. The gates will be locked once pickup hours end.

How can I get to Flushing Town Hall/Friends Meeting House by mass transit?
Q13, Q16, Q19, Q20 (A and B), Q25, Q28, Q34, Q44, Q65, Q66 all have stops within 2 blocks of Flushing Town Hall with the Q25 and Q34 bringing you closest. Flushing Town Hall is also a short walk from the Main St. station of the 7 train (the last stop) and the Flushing Station of the LIRR.

Do I have to volunteer?
Yes, and no. Every shareholder is responsible for 6 hours for the season, there is no way around that. However you are welcome to have a friend or family member cover your shift – we don’t mind who does the volunteering so long as it is done. If someone other than you volunteers in your place please make sure the Core team knows they are covering your shift! All volunteers must be 16 years or older. You can sign up for volunteer shifts for the 2022 season here.

What does volunteering entail?
Volunteer hours are done during pick-up hours at Flushing Friends Meeting House. Volunteers man the pick-up table and make sure members pick up the appropriate shares. Volunteers also keep the area clean and pack up at the end of pick-up hours.

Does the vegetable share include any fruit or herbs, or must I buy a separate share?
The vegetable share also includes herbs. A few fruits, such as strawberries and melons, are included in the vegetable share (based on availability). Fruit shares consist of tree fruits such as peaches, pears and apples – these fruits are not included with the vegetable share.

If I can’t make it to the pick-up can I get my share some other time?
All shares must be picked up during pick up hours – Wednesday between 6pm – 8pm at Friends Meeting House. We are unable to hold or store shares beyond that time frame. If you are unable to make it to pick-up hours please try to contact a friend or family member, or another CSA member, to ask them to pick up your share for you. You can always call or email us and a Core member will do their best to help you, however every situation is unique and we cannot guarantee anything. If you cannot make it, please try to contact us even if you are willing to forfeit your share.

What happens to unclaimed shares at 8:00 pm?
Members have until 8:00pm to pick up. Any shares left after that are split among the volunteers working that day, or donated to a local free meal program, at the discretion of the volunteers that day.

What does the CSA fee cover/why do I have to pay the CSA?
We require two payments to join the CSA: 1) Payment to the farm to pay for your produce and delivery, and 2) A $15 fee to us. The CSA fees are used to pay for our insurance, and our operating fees such as postage, hosting events, and buying supplies. The full CSA fee is required for each share, it is split if you are doing a half share. The Core members of Flushing CSA are strictly volunteers, they are not paid.

I don’t use email or have a Facebook account, how can I get CSA information?
Flushing CSA utilizes email as our primary means of communication with members; however you can also call us with questions or issues, or interact with us personally. At least one Core member is generally present at pick-up hours during the CSA season. Information can also be found on our Facebook page. You do not need to be a member of Facebook to view our page, it is viewable to anyone.

3 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. I want to volunteer with the flushing CSA please provide me more information on how to get started. thank you


  2. I am interested in joinjnv Please send me more information particulars. Thank you.


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